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The main purpose of the Inventory of Business Licenses is to create the catalogue of all the procedures to start and run a business in Lao PDR. The web portal is a tool to improve the transparency and efficiency of the general business environment to reduce the costs it currently imposes on all enterprises, and in particular SMEs that find it more difficult to deal with complex and opaque procedures.

This website consists of 5 functions as following:


I. Homepage

Users can find formalities by: (1) Using search bar to find formalities such as: Business Operating License, Permit, Certificate and other formalities. and (2) When user puts any keywords on the search bar, relevant formalities will show in the result immediately. When clicking on the name of the formality, the users will be led to another page which shows the details of the selected formality.

In addition to that, users can also find other related official websites such as National Enterprise Database, Lao PDR Trade Portal, Lao Service Portal, Lao National Single Window, One Stop Service of the Investment Promotion Department, and foreign trade policy of the Lao PDR.


II. Find formality

Users can use the filter function in order to look for a formality. This function includes: (1) filter by type of formalities, (2) filter by section, (3) filter by authority


III. Section

Users can find formalities based on the Lao Lao Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (LSIC) which are categorized into 21 sectors


IV. Women Entrepreneur

Users can follow the related information on promoting woman entrepreneurs in doing business in Lao PDR.


V. Statistics

This page summaries all formalities issued by authorities, categorized into 2 main 2 groups: (1) Formalities by authorities, (2) Formalities by sectors


Notice: Only formalities related to operating business from Departments in 18 Ministries, the Bank of Lao PDR, and 4 Departments in Vientiane Capital are available on this website. Only formalities related to operating business are selected. Formalities from some Departments of the Ministries and Departments at Provincial level are not yet available on this website.


The website has been built with the support of the Lao Trade and Competitiveness Project which is a multi-donor trust fund by the World Bank, by AusAID (Australia), Irish Aid, and USAID (USA). This is a part of project implemented by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and administered by the World Bank.

Contact us:

National Enterprise Database Office Department of Enterprise Registration and Management

Email: ned.database@gmail.com

Tel: 021 412011

http: www.bned.moic.gov.la



© 2025 Department of Enterprise Registration and Management . All rights reserved

Last update: Wednesday, 24 January 2024

Total visitors: 2348642 | Last 30 days: 41442
Yesterday: 933 | Today: 1551 | See more statistics

Statistics visitors

Visitors: 2348642
Sectors: 24074
Authorities: 694
Search formalities: 636330
Formalities view: 1094142
Last 30 days
Visitors: 41442
Sectors: 322
Authorities: 5
Search formalities: 10827
Formalities view: 25783
Visitors: 933
Sectors: 6
Authorities: 0
Search formalities: 304
Formalities view: 341
Visitors: 1551
Sectors: 4
Authorities: 0
Search formalities: 446
Formalities view: 975
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