A consultation meeting on streamlining the process of issuing business licenses for businesses under the controlled list.

  • 24.05.2023
  • 30374
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On May 23, 2023, the Department of Enterprise Registration and Management hosted a collaborative meeting at the first-floor conference room of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. This meeting was co-chaired by Mr. Aphisit Sangsulivong, Director General of the Department of Enterprise Registration and Management, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, and Mr. Vantana Norintha, Director General of the Investment Promotion Department, the Ministry of Planning and Investment. The meeting was attended by Director Generals, Deputy Director Generals, and technical officers from all 13 related sectors, totaling 40 participants.

The primary aim of this meeting is to foster discussion and share insights among the relevant sectors. The topics covered included the identification of activities within the controlled list and those requiring a business license, as well as the application processes for both investment permits and business licenses. Extensive discussions were held to resolve various ambiguities. The ultimate goal was to elaborate on Prime Minister's Order No. 03/PM, which involves streamlining processes, eliminating unnecessary steps, and simplifying the application procedures to facilitate doing business.

In the meeting, Mr. Aphishit Sangsulivong, Director General of the Department of Enterprise Registration and Management, extended a warm welcome to the participants. He also provided an overview of the meeting's objectives and the key issues to be discussed.

Following this, Mr. Vantana Norintha, Director General of the Investment and Promotion Department, provided a comprehensive explanation of the imperative need for establishing a controlled list. This detailed explanation was crucial to ensure that all participants had a clear understanding of the reasons behind this initiative. A representative from the Investment and Promotion Department then provided updates on the progress of identifying activities within the controlled list, specifying those that require a business license based on risk assessments, and drawing insights from successful international practices.


The consultation meeting achieved the anticipated outcomes, resulting in an enhanced understanding among the relevant sectors and participants on this matter.




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